Okay so here is the deal, we went in for our 12/13 week check up and thank heavens the doctor felt more comfortable looking at heartbeats than hearing them. She said that with twins how could she possibly tell if she was actually hearing two different heartbeats or the same baby's heartbeat? I could have HUGGED her right then!!! I think it was because she has twin girls :)
Oh and the pictures are terrible and I don't even care, I wish you could have been in that room, it was magical. One twin, who we have nicknamed Seabiscuit moved ALL OVER the place, seriously. You could see the baby's arm, then head and then whole body, it was magical. The most important part, you could see the heartbeat, strong and wonderful and perfect.
The other twin, who obviously takes after his/her mother was comfy just laying there and trying to take a nap :). It reminded me so much of Saturday mornings at 7 am when I am willing to go back under the covers and sleep for a couple more hours and Adam is bouncing all over the place trying to get the family up and moving.
I couldn't stop smiling, I still can't stop smiling, I am the luckiest woman on this planet! By the way, because I know my husband won't be reading this blog very often, he hears me talk enough as it is, I'm going to take sometime to thank him. Last night after working an 8 hour day, he made it to the appointment, in perfect time by the way and then went back to work until 10pm that night. I have the hardest working husband on the planet. He thinks carrying two babies is rough, at least I get to hide at home under the big red comfy blankie. Adam I love you and I'm so thankful to have such an amazing husband to share this whole experience with. Please remember this if I say anything rude in the delivery room :).
Seeing them move around for the first time feel soooo much like a miracle!! I remember seeing our baby move around. I was so happy I was crying! It really is a miracle!! Sounds like you really do have two babies that will take after their parents! A bouncing baby Adam and a sleepy thoughtful baby Lori!! I can't wait to meet them!! And just think, only a few more months and we all will!! I'm thrilled for you!
I can't wait to get my grubby little paws on one of them soon!
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